martedì 28 agosto 2018
venerdì 23 marzo 2018
You might be a business owner or self employed or someone
You might be a business owner or self employed or someone who through force of circumstance has moved into sales. This article will give you a structure to work from which will help make you more successful in sales. First a bit of Psychology, when people meet for the first time, there is always some stress particularly for the potential buyer. Stress levels which start at a high level at the beginning fall throughout the call only to rise to a peakClick Here! again during what we all know as "The Close". What this 5 stage approach does it to try to make this psychology work in your favour to improve your chances of making a sale.
Stage 1. The Ice breaker
This stage relates to the first key minutes of the meeting at this point stress levels are high and we need to bring them down. It's a conversation which takes place between the two parties but which has nothing to do with business. It helps to establish ease and rapport before the business meeting proper starts. It literally breaks the ice. Obvious isn't it, well why do we often not use it. Well it's that word stress again which pressures us to get on with it, and don't you know it - when we rush straight into the business content we're less successful. What do you talk about? Well look for clues, people tend Click Here!to publicise what they're interested in, even if they do so unconsciously. So if you see lots of golf pictures on the wall, guess what; he likes golf, there's your starter for ten.
Stage 2. The Opening
As it suggests, this is the start of the business portion of the meeting, it's a series of opening statements which should outline the agenda for the meeting, make sure you always have one. At this point you won't know what specific issues your prospect faces so you have outline the list is issues that a typical prospect for your product or services might face andClick Here! relate that to the specific benefits that your company's product or service provides. This is the most talking you should do at the meeting.
Stage 3. Qualification or Questioning
By now and in a few short minutes by following these simple steps you'll have managed to reduce much of the stress levels, both you and your prospect will feel more comfortable and they will be ready to discuss the issues surrounding their business. There an old saying in sales which goes "you have two ears and one mouth use them in that proportion", basically and especially during this stage only ask questions and let your prospect do the talking.
Qualification is a much undervalued part of the sales call, but if you don't qualify properly and understand your prospects issues and rationale you've dramatically reduced your chances of a successful close. This section is by far the longest and should represent at least 75% of the time you spend with your prospect. Don't at any point during the qualification stage offer any solutions; just make note of the issues and problems raised and how your solution can solution can help. Start with easy questions like "how did you start your business?" and "who do you sell to?"or "why did you buy this machine?" Then ask more searching questions once you've uncovered some issues like "why is that a problem for you?" or "what are the implications of not addressing this problem?" Having gathered your information and understood his problems we go to...
Stage 4. The Close
It's the term that strikes fear into the hearts of many sales people, just the mention of the word has probably increased your heart rate and you're not even at a meeting! So as we enter the close our stress levels really start to spike. One of the side effects of high stress is that we have a tendency to talk too much and frankly just babble. This is a real danger because by talking too much we let our prospect off the hook and leave without a sale. So as we move into the close keep calm, try to deliberately talk a little slower, then sum up the qualification session by identifying each issue and how you can help. You then ask for the order and stay quiet and you stay quiet until your prospect answers. Don't worry if it takes what seems like an eternity for him to respond it's only likely to be 5-10 seconds, and remember your prospect will be feeling just as much stress as you. If you start speaking first you'll have lost; the conversation will avoid directly the issue of purchase because you'll have given your prospect a chance to talk anything other than the most important - will he buy.
Stage 5. The Consolidation
Congratulations you've held your nerve, you've asked for the order and you've answered a couple of objections and he's said yes. So what do you do next? Well you could run around waving your arms in the air saying Yes! Yes! - but that's probably not the right thing to do. Let's look at the stress levels, they've collapsed you've both taken a huge sigh of relief and there's a great tendency to get out of there just as fast as you can. Don't. Stick around the consolidation stage is there for you to allow the prospect to be comfortable in his own mind that he's made the right decision. There is something called "buyers blues" which relates to circumstances where after a purchase the buyer becomes disillusioned with what he's bought. It often manifested by the unexpected cancellation of an order.
The Consolidation is designed to minimise this, you need to find a reason to stick around for 10-15 minutes, if you can, get him to fill in some documentation relating to the sale, alternatively if you haven't already suggest a look around the factory or site, your intention here is to get them back into their comfort zone, I've even suggested a celebratory cup of tea. So there you have it, a simple five step model for being more successful sales, happy selling!
Laurence Ainsworth has a background spanning 20 years as a successful Senior Manager and Director. He has over 25 years sales experience in the B2B environment. He also has extensive international business management experience in Europe, Asia and Australia. As Sales & Marketing Director of a 60 person business, he increased T/O by 40% and profit by 35% in the first year. As Divisional Director (Asia Pacific) of a FTSE100 company with responsibility for 300 staff and 5 operational units, he reversed a monthly operating loss of AUD$200,000 and returned it to break-even in 6 months. He founded Exigent Consulting in 2002 and since then has performed a number of successful turnaround assignments and has worked with numerous companies to develop and implement successful growth strategies. He is skilled at working with, and getting the most from, owner managers. He can be contacted at
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sabato 3 marzo 2018
We were together wonderfully, like in an endless dreamWhat she had to do, she did not fuss, she still wantedUntil one day she passed away, the whole world collapsed
We were together wonderfully, like in an endless dream
What she had to do, she did not fuss, she still wanted
Until one day she passed away, the whole world collapsed: We were together wonderfully, like in an endless dream What she had to do, she did not fuss, she still wanted Until one day she passed away, the whole world collapsed
What she had to do, she did not fuss, she still wanted
Until one day she passed away, the whole world collapsed: We were together wonderfully, like in an endless dream What she had to do, she did not fuss, she still wanted Until one day she passed away, the whole world collapsed
venerdì 16 febbraio 2018
Birth Day Quotes | Love: Impossible to define, but something around caring, attaching, addiction, accepting someone, can be healthy or unhealthy. Who knows?
Birth Day Quotes | Love: Impossible to define, but something around caring, attaching, addiction, accepting someone, can be healthy or unhealthy. Who knows?: 250 Happy Birthday Wishes Thoughtful, loving and friendly happy birthday wishes can help to make someone's day more special. Sending someone you care about Make Money with Clickbank happy birthday messages and greetings is an easy way to show them you care. Coming up with the best birthday wishes for the right person can be tough, so this collection was created to help you find the perfect happy birthday wishes for anyone. read more 100 Birthday Wishes for Friends – Happy Birthday Friend Say "Happy birthday friend!" with thoughtful and touching birthday wishes! Select the perfect birthday wishes for friends or your best friend. Birthdays are such an important event and friends are some of the most special people in our lives, Clickbank Marketing Tools therefore it is natural to want to send the best birthday wishes we can come up with. However, it isn't always easy to create the perfect... read more 125 Birthday Wishes for
Bitcoin Investment | Love: Impossible to define, but something around caring, attaching, addiction, accepting someone, can be healthy or unhealthy. Who knows?
Bitcoin Investment | Love: Impossible to define, but something around caring, attaching, addiction, accepting someone, can be healthy or unhealthy. Who knows?: In the case of banknotes or coins, the matter is simple. By giving the banknote to the other person, we waive the rights on the basis of an oral contract. The disadvantage of such a system is that someone who is dishonest after making a transaction can take a banknote from us, we can not send it to another place in the world. Storing bank notes is also risky and prone to destruction or theft. In the case of banknotes / coins, there is also a problem of falsification. Here a more modern solution to this problem arises, namely electronic banking. We can send money to theoretically anywhere in the world as quickly and easily. After sending funds, the bank subtracts the given amount from our account and adds it to the account of the target person. The disadvantage of such a system are commissions, and in the case of international transfers quite considerable, the time of such transfers is also not satisfactory.We pride ourselves in delivering a technology that you won't find anywhere else.
lunedì 12 febbraio 2018
Writing texts for money. It's real? YES!!! guide | Love: Impossible to define, but something around caring, attaching, addiction, accepting someone, can be healthy or unhealthy. Who knows?
venerdì 19 gennaio 2018
venerdì 12 gennaio 2018
You’ll come home rather early in the morning
I put on new clothes for the dance floor, blanche shoes You already see the cat s movements, my spell engulfs you. You pretend to be a big lady, they do not stand alone I have a good chat today, I will get you. No matter what the speech is for And today I want to Continue reading "You ll come home rather early in the morning"
Bitcoin | My inspiration
Transform Your Life with Our Innovative and Automated Bitcoin Trading Platform
An amazing meeting | My inspiration
- Hey my name is Natalia - Hi, Amelia - Nice to meet you Amelio, are you here for a long time? - You could say - If I can ask, why are you here? Suddenly there was silence, after a few minutes she only answered - I wanted to commit suicide, but they saved me in time, I do not know if I should be happy or cry - Why did you try to commit suicide? Without any, but she started telling me about her life story and it was like this: - One beautiful day I was sitting on the pitch when I got up in my ball I wanted to kick it but suddenly a handsome boy ran up to me, he had very beautiful eyes and an honest smile. We started chatting, we saw each other every day, we were together. We wrote at night, we were both going to come to school but he was not thinking that it was only one day but it was more he was not 3 days did not answer my sms did not answer the phone I was sure that something happened and I was right. I went to his house, his mother opened the door for me crying, when I asked what
You'll come home rather early in the morning | My inspiration

I put on new clothes for the dance floor, blanche shoes You already see the cat's movements, my spell engulfs you. You pretend to be a big lady, they do not stand alone I have a good chat today, I will get you. No matter what the speech is for And today I want to get another one again. That's all you want for every move and gesture I know it is, as it is, there will be a test tonight. These are your sex moves, they dance shoes themselves, And a few guys are trying to snatch you out. This is my destiny, I will change everything that night I will give you anesthesia, come closer, cuddle. Dad does not know anything, mom does not know anything, That today, as in heaven, I am playing with you. It's time for you to go crazy as you writhe in the carnival I have a big Versailles, I am taking you to the hut.
martedì 9 gennaio 2018
An amazing meeting
Hey my name is Natalia Hi, Amelia Nice to meet you Amelio, are you here for a long time? You could say If I can ask, why are you here? Suddenly there was silence, after Continue Reading
When the angels are sleeping
I crawled to my bed, like a beaten dog to my own kennel, which, surprisingly leaping over the street, was hit by a car. A few meters away. You can do it. A few more steps ... I pushed my Continue Reading
with me! I wrote
He wanted to walk with me! I wrote that I would answer him in the morning. I did not agree ... I could not say it or write it. I saw that he was sad, but he still talked to Continue Reading
The real story of my life
Have you ever wondered what the fucking love is? Each of us is supposed to have this other half, so why are we constantly getting the wrong people in our lives? Have you had so many times that you Continue Reading
Depression, love and music….
This tall, slim, not particularly distinguished teenager with black long hair and barely visible facial hair, however, has an extraordinary talent for writing, brilliant vocal and played great on keyboards, bass guitar and drums. When he finished the second verse Continue Reading
I love. ?
I used to say that he wants you to die. But when I found out that there was even a chance to have cancer, I was spilling in my face. And if something happened to you, I would blame Continue Reading
You can handle more than you think
Source: Jose AS Reyes The summer I turned 16, we moved. Like desert nomads, we packed up our lives and hit the road with barely a month’s notice. Few goodbyes, zero farewell parties. Not even a moment for regret. My mom Continue Reading
This Morning Routine will Save You 20+ Hours Per Week
Protect Your Mornings I understand that this schedule will not work for everyone. There are single-parents with kids who simply can’t do something like this. We all need to work within the constraints of our unique contexts. However, if you work Continue Reading
30 Behaviors That Will Make You Unstoppable
Unstoppable Always be prepared so you have the freedom to act on instinct. “Just as the yin-yang symbol possesses a kernel of light in the dark, and of dark in the light, creative leaps are grounded in a technical foundation.” — Josh Continue Reading
lunedì 8 gennaio 2018
Transform Your Life with Our Innovative and Automated Bitcoin Trading Platform
Better way to BITCOIN We ve built the world s first automated trading platform for the Bitcoin currency and even the most experienced traders are jealous of our results: Grow Your Bitcoins DAILY 24/7 Account Access for Withdraws Secure Platform from a Proven Continue Reading
sabato 6 gennaio 2018
Amazon FreeTime Unlimited: Get unlimited access to thousands of kid-friendly books, movies, TV shows, educational apps, and games.

Amazon FreeTime Unlimited is an all-in-one subscription for kids that offers unlimited access to thousands of kid-friendly books, videos, educational apps, and games.
venerdì 5 gennaio 2018
Dreams of another life and love
Dreams of a different and better life were also attended by Emma Bovary, the heroine of the novel by Gustav Flaubert. Having read the romances, she expected to live like a romance: wonderful experiences, wonderful love that s what she Continue Reading
giovedì 4 gennaio 2018
I am no one, and no one loves me.But nobody loves me, or likes me, or even wants to drunkenly dry hump me.No one loves me here in Chandni Chowk Nobody loves me. Nobody s coming to my funeral.Nobody loves me. people Continue Reading
I love you because you have beautiful eyes.
On another subject, you have beautiful eyes.Why can t I say you have nice eyes?You have nice eyes, Bill.Just tell her, You have beautiful eyes.You have beautiful eyes, Francesca.You know, you have beautiful eyes.
When I look into your eyes
When we are together again I want to kiss your lips When I look into your eyes I want to be with you day and night I want to look at you constantly To rub your soul against each other Continue Reading
Gray appears on our common Heaven
When the time comes when I have to leave you Tears begin to shine like stars in Heaven The time of farewell, sadness and despair is coming And the heart asks when it will see you again When the time Continue Reading
you have such green eyes
you have such red mouth red like fire dawns bewitched mornings and bewitched roses for you small gardener planted climbing roses that he was bewitched he wanted to bewitched you and with armful of roses came one time ask you Continue Reading
mercoledì 3 gennaio 2018
Global village
He he laughs, I live here practically in the Internet, it s amazing. Just think what would happen to move to North Korea or Even in Greenland there is internet, everywhere I m not curious if North Korea reads this Twit, Continue Reading
Forgotten kisses
Who counts our kisses, who cares? People have worries and errands, God creates the worlds Forgotten by us, two of their pink heaps it falls to the bottom of our souls like soft flakes, the most beautiful roses Continue Reading
For anyone who is afraid…
For anyone who is afraid, is lonely or unhappy, the best means is to go outside, somewhere where you are completely alone with heaven, nature and God. Because only then, only then, it feels that everything is as it should Continue Reading
Love is.
Love is when He has barely left, and you want to call Him and then when, outside the storm, he wet punctually comes And when he goes somewhere for three days and you miss him so much and although Continue Reading
Tell me how you love me
I will say. So? I love you in the sun. And with the candlelight. I love you in a hat and beret. In the big wind on the road and at the concert. In lilacs and birches, Continue Reading
martedì 2 gennaio 2018
Online Dating – My inspiration
Align Your Interests With Your Dating Scene Here’s a surefire way to meet Mrs. Right – use your hobbies and interests to expand your circle of friends and acquaintances. By using your interests to get out and meet new people, you’re going to find great ways to have fun just by doing what you like to do and greatly increase your chances of finding a date who enjoys the same activities. This is important in dating. If you meet someone who is fantastic in the looks department, but she has no interest at all in any of the things that you like, you’re going to be bored after a very short while. Here’s what you need to do: brainstorm all of the things you like to do, or even the things you’d like to try, but haven’t yet. Make a list of these things and then add the things you feel passionate about (the must-haves), like your dog, or college football, or playing bocce ball with your friends every third
Why do you love me?
He heard her whisper in the middle of the night. He closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheek, and stained the white of the pillow. I love you and already. I love You because the Universe has shown Continue Reading
You can be with any other woman, or you can be with me …
This is not an ultimatum. It s just the truth of what it s like to love me. I do not want to compete with anyone, nor do I want to be a godsend to you when you heal the wounds of Continue Reading
A wonderful life does not mean that it is worth doing.
The more I think about it, I come to the conclusion that perhaps you will be perfectly in a world without me. However, you will find yourself better in the world in which I am, in which we are both Continue Reading
The woman pretends to be an orgasm….
A happy relationship is built on foundations, which are authenticity, trust, naturalness, freedom in relations between the sexes and above all sincere, mutual love. The obstacle in creating this healthy body which is the relationship is often a kind of Continue Reading
If you purchase a Diamond Token Package today
We are excited to announce that we have reached our first token bonus goal by selling a total of 125,000,000 tokens. And the token bonuses have been rewarded to all qualified members. There are 3 more opportunities to earn FREE token bonuses: - When we reach 250,000,000 total tokens sold. - When we reach 375,000,000 total tokens sold. - When we reach 500,000,000 total tokens sold. For example: If you purchase a Gold Token Package today, you will receive a bonus when we reach 250,000,000 Total Tokens sold. If you purchase a Ruby Token Package today, you are qualified to receive the first 2 bonuses listed above. If you purchase an Emerald Token Package today, you are qualified to receive all 3 bonuses listed above. If you purchase a Diamond Token Package today, you are qualified to receive all 3 bonuses listed above.
I know one thing for sure:
This is not an ultimatum. It's just the truth of what it's like to love me. I do not want to compete with anyone, nor do I want to be a godsend to you when you heal the wounds of the previous relationship. I do not want to remind you of anyone. I do not want to be compared with anyone. I do not want to lock you in for fear that one day you will run away in the pale dawn, because something is still unresolved. I do not want to live in the uncertainty that one day you will choose someone else. I know one thing for sure: you have a choice. Or be with any woman you just dream about, or with me. But only with me, both body and soul. I do not want to be everybody, because I'm one, unique. And you probably did not realize it until I invited you to my world.…u-can-be-with-me
Why do you love me? – My inspiration
He heard her whisper in the middle of the night. He closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheek, and stained the white of the pillow. I love you and already. I love You because the Universe has shown me the way to You. I love you because my heart beats to the rhythm of your name, my world is drowning in your eyes, my soul feels yours, even if we are thousands of miles away.
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